Volunteer at West Side

Serving others is one of the most effective ways to live out your faith. In a world focused on personal gain, there is perhaps no greater way to show others what a life devoted to Christ is about than to volunteer. Sign up today and experience the impact our volunteers make on our community.

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Volunteer at West Side

Serving others is one of the most effective ways to live out your faith. In a world focused on personal gain, there is perhaps no greater way to show others what a life devoted to Christ is about than to volunteer. Sign up today and experience the impact our volunteers make on our community.

Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunties


Every week, participants in the Buddies Ministry are matched with a consistent, one-on-one "Buddy.” Buddies volunteers create space for people of all abilities, regardless of age, to fully experience age-appropriate worship at West Side.



Kids Ministry volunteers help create a top-notch and FUN environment for kids birth-5th grade at West Side, serving in a wide variety of ways. (An application process and background check are required.)



Student Ministry volunteers lead activities, games, music and more for 6th-8th graders on Sundays at West Side. This team points students to Jesus during a pivotal time in their lives. (An application process and background check are required.)



The Production Team carries out a variety of creative, musical and audio/visual tech responsibilities that help make our Sunday morning worship services an engaging environment for EVERYONE.



Being new to a church can be difficult. The Hospitality Team helps every newcomer feel welcomed, valued and at ease. Serving in this ministry area includes warmly greeting people at the doors, handing out communion, helping people find seats in the Worship Center and more.



The Fireside Café team serves delicious coffee, lattes, smoothies, snacks and more every Sunday at West Side. No experience is required to start serving in Fireside. We’ll train you along the way!


Weekday Volunteer Opportunties


Prayer, funeral meal preparation and financial coaching are just a few of the many responsibilities of our Care Ministry Volunteers. If caring for others in a time of need is your gifting, consider volunteering on the Care Team.



Did you know Fireside Cafe is open beyond Sunday mornings? Volunteer on a weekday or weeknight, making delicious treats for customers all week long.



West Side’s Administrative Volunteer Team meets each Wednesday morning to perform a variety of administrative tasks — everything from counting out kid’s ministries supplies, collating handouts, assembling furniture and anything in between.



West Side’s PreTeen Ministry meets every Wednesday during the school year. Volunteers on Wednesday evenings primarily serve as small group leaders.



Student Ministry volunteers lead, guide and care for small groups of junior high and high school students. This team points students in 6th-12th grade to Jesus during a pivotal time in their lives. (An application process and background check are required.)



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